Metropolitan Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine accepts most medical insurances, such as Empire Bluecross Blueshield, The Empire Plan(UnitedHealthcare), United Healthcare,1199, Aetna, Humana, Fidelis Care (Wellcare), VNS Choice, Villagecaremax, Elderplan and Healthfirst et al. Our clinic is one of very few clinics accepting Acupuncture Insurances (Deductibles, co-insurance and co-payments may apply).
Please fill out the form(the below) and email us(, so we can help you to verify if you have the insurance benefit for acupuncture treatment as soon as possible.
Patient Name:
Date Of Birth (DOB):
Patient’s Gender:
Insurance Company Name:
Provider Phone # (from insurance card):
Patient Mailing Address:
Policy Holder's DOB:
Policy Holder’s Gender:
Patient’s Relationship to Policy Holder:
Policy Holder Mailing Address (if different from above):
1. Queens Office:
Acupuncture : $70.00-90.00/Per treatment;
Chinese Massage $50.00 /1Hr; $30/30 min;
Foot Massage & Reflexology $50.00/1Hr; $30/30min;
Herbal Treatment: $50-60/per treatment (one week).
Infrared Wraps: $30/1 hour
2. Long Island Office:
Acupuncture: $80.00-100.00/Per treatment;
Herbal Treatment: $55-65/per treatment (one week).
Infrared Wraps: $30/1 hour
We offer you a free walk-in consultation about the treatment at the Office in Queens and Long Islnad . Please make an appointment with us.