Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used medical procedures in the world. It originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. It uses very fine, solid needles to insert into specific points of the body. These points are distributed along channels all over the body. Appropriate stimulation of these points allows vital substances such as qi (a form of energy in the body) to flow freely. This stops pain, improves circulation, and promotes healing. This free, unimpeded movement of qi (and blood) is the basis of health. Acupuncture seeks to restore this movement to promote wellness and comfort in both the physical body and the mind. Neuroscientists have found that neurotransmitters and opioid peptides perform acupuncture analgesic functions.
2. Is Acupuncture Safe?
Yes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved acupuncture needles for use by licensed practitioners in 1996. The FDA requires that sterile, nontoxic needles be used and that they be labeled for single use by qualified practitioners only.
3. Is Acupuncture Painful?
Acupuncture needles are very fine and solid. It is completely different from the needles used by nurses for injection. You feel no or minimal pain when your treatment is provided by an experienced acupuncturist. Patients may experience a sense of heaviness, pressure, tingling, or warmth but rarely feel discomfort during treatment.
4. What Is Chinese Herbal Medicine?
Chinese Herbal Medicine is mostly composed of plants and partly of minerals. Chinese herbal formulas are based on classic formulations, but may be modified according to the change in the patients’ condition. Herbal medicines have a very low toxicity compared to over the counter (OTC) Western drugs. We offer two kinds of herbs: herbal powders ( like teas) and herbal pills made by manufacturers.
5. What Is Chinese Massage (including Tuina and Acupressure)?
Chinese Massage includes both “pushing and grasping the muscles ” and pressing at acupressure points. It is used to ease muscle strain and improve circulation, and is often used to enhance the effects of acupuncture.
6. Is Insurance Accepted?
The clinic accepts some medical insurances, such as The Empire Plan, Empire Bluecross Blueshield, United Healthcare, Health Net, Cigna, Healthfirst, American Specialty Health, Triad Healthcare, MagnaCare, Aetna et al. Our Affinity Networks ( HWHN*,OptumHealth*) will give most insurance holders 20% discount.
*Healthways WholeHealth Networks (HWHN)
7. What Conditions Can Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Treat?
The World Health Organization lists 43 conditions which can be treated by Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. Disorders treated by our medical center include:
(1)All Pains: Headaches/Migraine; Neck/ Shoulder/Back/Leg/Arm/Hand/Foot pain; Nerve Pain, Muscle Pain, Arthritis, Sports Pain;
(2) Asthma & Allergies;
(3) Depression, stress & anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue;
(4) Weight Loss & Beauty;
(5) Stroke Rehabilitation;
(6) Infertility & impotence;
(7) Tinnitus, female Disorders and other internal disorders.